One goal, 2 paths


Which way to go? Choose love or fear.

"When you have learned how to decide with God, all decisions become as easy and as right as breathing. There is no effort, and you will be led as gently as if you were being carried down a quiet path in summer." - A Course In Miracles

Example: Debt. The end goal: Pay off debt. But which path do I take to that goal? Is it one shrouded with fear and anxiety? Or is it one that is as relaxed as taking a stroll in the park?

I have found there are 2 roads possible:

1. Love based-with God (aka Love, Spirit, Universe, Goddess, Mother Nature, Allah, Buddha, etc) full of hope, trust and relaxation

2. Fear based-without God full of a sense of control, stress, anxiety and worries

I know one day I'll get to the goal, but how do I get there? Was I enjoying the ride and trying to collect as much wisdom along the way? Or was I stressed, worried and thinking of different potential disasters along the way?

I know what kind of life the latter decision leads to because the life I once led choose fear over anything else. In my 20s, I worried about literally EVERYTHING. When my main concern seemed to be ok, I just found something else to worry about. In my spiritual journey, trusting the Universe has become a source of unshakable strength. I found a way to walk, nay... skip and prance through all the ups and downs of life.

I found the only way to change that was to change what I decided to think about. I wake each morning planting seeds of gratitude. I am grateful for the simplicity of life and being able to see, breathe, walk and live. I reap what I sow each morning and I have seen what a difference that simple shift in my mind made. Whether I wake up with a grumpy face or a smiling one, I accept both. I cannot be happy and delightful all the time. But I try my hardest to not simmer and whimper in my low place. I feel it, I accept it, and then I can release it. 

I found only Spirit was my answer in times of duress and confusion. No matter what chaos I may find myself in, I am less afraid because I know I can just ask for help. I call on my angels, my ancestors, and passed loved ones. The ups and the downs are the threads that create the fabric of life. There is nothing without the other. I can't ever get rid of the challenges of life. However, I can go through them and learn why they are occurring and unravel the unhealed places I have.

When I just trust that Buddha will take care of me, it works out "somehow". Miracles some may call it. Inexplicable interventions in my life have led me to believe that there is something at work and it's beyond my understanding or comprehension.

I continue to live a hopeful and loving life. My hopes are to spread it all around to everyone I encounter. I may fall and trip at times especially when things get really bad, but I dust myself off and continue dancing through the rhythm of life.

I choose to trust Mother Nature just as I trust in the wind. Unseen, yet strong, true and real.

I pray that everyone has peace, love and joy in their lives.

rediscover the light within
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