Life Worth Living

" the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred."
-Martin Luther King, Jr from his speech "I have a Dream"
My hope and prayer is for the hearts of all to find love again.
Not what the world tells us.
But what our hearts feel inside.
To feel our emotions within is to know who we truly are.

Which one do we feed and brew inside? 
Is it a forgiving or a fighting mind?  
I chose the love that gave me the strength to climb any mountain of mine.
The love that we all deserve already lives within us.
It may be a tiny flicker but I know what happens when we take time to raise it again. 
With tender compassion I have seen my pain and anger fade away.
I have experienced transformation of my own spirit from hate and grief into joy and peace.
I remain faithful to the truth of love within me.
Spare the romantic love and consider a compassionate one
One that we can share with the world around.
Can we raise each other up as brothers and sisters?
Or do we choose to lash back and recycle the blame and rage?
We are a human family in dire straits.
Hatred and blame is passed from face to face.
We consume and take and take.
When there is nothing else left to gain, this place will be a smouldering place.

My wish is for our hearts to combine and recognize we are of the same kind.
Let us not be tempted by the glory of money and material gain
So we be able to embrace the result of a soul in place.
When I found my soul again the warmth of compassion return to my face.
I found a newfound joy in breathing again.
Now I can experience living instead of withering away.
I once was afraid of dying and living just the same.
How miserable to not know my place.
Now I can say with confidence.
To know love is to begin in the correct starting line
It was with me I started over again
So here I am still breathing
With a mission that burns and fuels my fire 
rediscover the light within
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