Rei of Life is dedicated to the healing of the mind, body, and soul.

Rediscover the fire that burns inside.
Reignite your light with Rei of Life

"Follow the rhythm of my lines to discover your own flow in life"

Hi! My name is Doris.

In my life I am a dental hygienist, holistic life coach, bar tender, tailor, receptionist, website designer, pet caretaker, DJ, face painter, artist, sister, daughter, aunt, friend and girlfriend.

Now, I am a simple writer sharing my journey with those willing to dive into the pages of my life.

I have always been the one to want to help others. I wanted to take the burden and pain from others. I have seen that I have taken on what is not mine. The weight has become too much to shoulder. I found pride in my work as a dental hygienist, life coach and Reiki practitioner because I felt that these professions fulfilled that sense of help. But, why did I feel depleted at the same time? Coming to the realization that I am the one I should be taking care of has changed the direction of my life. I asked myself "Why is my focus and care on others, but not myself? Why does the well being of those around me come before my own?"

I have recently quit my job of a caretaker of others. I have surrendered the sense of responsibility and transformed it into a sensation of self care and self love. I quit my journey in healing myself. I quit trying to fix myself and others. I quit trying to help others. I quit the things that I have no control over. I just want to learn who I am and what brings me joy. I want to sing, dance and have fun. I want to discover the delights of my soul. I want to have fun while I'm living and breathing.

I used to think it was selfish to think of myself and what I needed. Eventually, I learned that it's not selfish or wrong to think of me. It's actually called self love. Ain't nothing wrong with that. I know that helping myself has more impact on those around me. They say that you can't fill anyone else's glass with an empty pitcher.

That was me. An empty pitcher that tried to replenish myself with my sense of duty to other people. After a lifetime of feeling depleted and frustrated, I quit. I relinquished the position not out of frustration, malice or hate, but more so in a sense of a love and faith. I believe in other people and their ability to figure out their own storms on their own terms. I may assist, but not as intrusively as I once did. My assistance is through my writings and conversations. I veer away from giving advice and instead want to create space in love and peace so that others may find their own answers. I recognize that loving someone is allowing them to struggle and overcome. Getting through rough patches and coming out stronger and wiser person is a gift that is more valuable than I know. I provide a shoulder to lean on. I provide a hand to wipe away the tears. I provide arms to embrace and comfort. I provide a heart to love. Strong arming and forcing people into a "better" place is no way to love. This is what I see.

I am coming to terms that I am perfect as I am and so are other people. I am an insecure, anxious, scared, sad, abnormal, expressive, cheerful, intuitive, highly sensitive, and an emotional perfectionist. The more I can embrace myself just as I am, the more I can do that for others. We are all perfect just as we are. The good, the bad and the ugly. There is not a single person alive that is good all the time. We all go through struggles and have moments of "imperfection". Can we accept that having all these undesirable traits is what make us human? In the end, can we embrace the fact that what makes us human is the good and bad all mashed up into a beautiful being?

So, please enjoy the writings and recommended books and be inspired to find your own unique way through your storms and struggles. I hope that each of the shared stories and realizations that are in my blog and suggested books provide helping hands and sunlight through the stormy seas.

Perhaps life will call me to return to providing life coaching and mentoring others. 

For now, I focus on the most important journey, me.

"Life is like the ocean. There are waves and turbulent waters. Just as there are calm waters and smooth breeze. I am not the drop in the sea. I am the sea."

~Doris, 2022

"You can't prepare to be great,

because you already are."

~Alan Cohen

Check out my dental education and natural tips for dental health at:

Latest posts in my blog

" the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred."-Martin Luther King, Jr from his speech "I have a Dream"

I am Found


I found God
Not the one who sits in the sky
Looking down with judging eyes
Not the one who punishes me
When I turn left instead of right
I found God
The living, faithful kind
The one that is forever by my side
I found God
In our hearts and minds...

A Form of Love


That the soft overcomes the hard, and the yielding overcomes the resistant, is a fact known by all, but practiced by few.

Recommended Books

The Four Agreements

I highly recommend this book. This is an excellent book and is a short and easy to read. I read this book and it gave me a new perspective on simplifying how I see life and what I believe. The 4 agreements are simple and can be integrated in everyday life. Gain wisdom and insight that can transform your life!

Click HERE to buy on Amazon

A Course in Miracles Made Easy by Alan Cohen

Have you heard of A Course in Miracles? This version written by my teacher and mentor, Alan Cohen, is a simplified version. This book clarified how love and fear affect our daily interactions with others and ourselves. I recommend this book to all my clients and has given clarity on what we believe is good and evil. Simplify your thoughts through understanding why we do what we do and what we think. A great addition in assisting on the spiritual journey.

Click HERE to buy on Amazon

Change Me Prayers by Tosha Silver

This book is funny, engaging and entertaining. It is one of my favorite books that assists in simple prayers to shift thoughts out of fear into love. There are short stories of the author's personal experiences on how prayer changed her life. No matter what we pray for, our answers can come in so many unexpected ways. The author is much like myself in how I believe in one source of Spirit, no matter the belief system. I follow what I call Dorisology, which is a combination of tidbits from various religions such as Christianity, Taoism, and Buddhism.

Click HERE to buy on Amazon

Warrior of the Light by Paulo Coelho

This is my manual that helps me on a regular basis. After reading the entire book, it has become a reference where I can flip to any page and it helps me re-center my mind. This book is a great guidebook to those who want assistance in their journey to the Light. Within all of us lies a warrior that desires to strive for goodness and love. Discover insight from the well renowned author, Paulo Coelho on becoming a Warrior of Light.

Click HERE to buy on Amazon

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This enchanting book started my own journey to the fantastic world that I live in today. One of the most translated books in the world, this book inspires us to follow our dreams and is full of wisdom. 

"When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision." -The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Click HERE to buy on Amazon

Recommended Products

Nippon Kodo Morning Star Sage Incense

I love, love, love this incense. There are no wooden sticks to throw away, provides a pure scent and creates very little smoke. It comes with a cute little ceramic holder to keep the stick upright. I use this incense for meditation, cleansing my bedroom/office space and for cleansing any other space I use like my car. I also carry this with me when I travel to cleanse hotel rooms and rentals of residual energy other people may have left behind. 

Click HERE to buy on Amazon

Dr Teal's Pure Epsom salts

Do you love taking baths as much as I do? I put in this product into my warm bath and it soothes my achey muscles and senses. The lavender essential oils lull me into a relaxed state so I can sleep soundly after a long day. These bath salts are not tested on animals (I LOVE THIS!) and is for external use only. I have sensitive skin and it doesn't bother me at all.

Important Note: It is NOT recommended that diabetics use hot/warm water soaks unless advised by physicians. If irritation occurs, discontinue use.

Click HERE to buy on Amazon

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